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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class UI.Event
Handles button click events, making moves in the "Domineering" game.
addButton(int, int, int, int, String, String, String, boolean, String, String, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class UI.Frame
Adds a Button to the Frame with specified properties.
addFrame(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class UI.Frame
Adds a child Frame to the current Frame with specified properties.
addFrame(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class UI.Window
Adds a child Frame to the Window with specified properties.
addInput(int, int, int, int, String, String, String, String, int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class UI.Frame
Adds an input TextField to the Frame with specified properties.
addLabel(int, int, int, int, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class UI.Frame
Adds a Label to the Frame with specified properties.
asymMove - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Asymmetrical move identifier.
asymPercentCeil - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Upper bound percentage for asymmetrical moves.
asymPercentFloor - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Lower bound percentage for asymmetrical moves.


backgroundColor - Variable in class UI.Button
Background color of the button.
backgroundColors - Variable in class Helper.Sauvgard
2D array representing the background colors of the saved state.
backgroundColors - Variable in class Helper.StringTableFile
board - Variable in class Helper.Board
The 2D array representing the game board.
Board - Class in Helper
Represents the game board for the Domineering game.
Board() - Constructor for class Helper.Board
Default constructor that initializes the board from the Configuration buttons.
Board(String[][]) - Constructor for class Helper.Board
Constructs a Board object with the given 2D array.
btnGameWithAgent - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for starting a game with an agent.
btnGameWithPerson - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for starting a game with another person.
btnMainExit - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for exiting the main menu.
btnsauvgardedGamebtn - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for loading a saved game.
btnSetting - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for accessing game settings.
Button - Class in UI
A custom JButton with additional features for setting text, tooltip, icon, enabled state, color, background color, and font.
Button(int, int, int, int, String, String, String, boolean, String, String, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class UI.Button
Constructs a Button with specified properties.
buttons - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
2D array representing the game buttons.


canEdit(boolean) - Method in class UI.TextField
Sets whether the TextField is editable or not.
checkAndCreateDirectory(String) - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Checks if the directory at the specified path exists.
checkAndCreateFile(String) - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Checks if the file at the specified path exists.
Close() - Method in class UI.Frame
Closes the Frame, making it invisible on the screen.
Close() - Method in class UI.Window
Closes the Window, making it invisible on the screen.
column - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Number of columns in the game board.
Configuration - Class in Helper
Configuration class holds static variables and methods used throughout the Domineering game.
Configuration() - Constructor for class Helper.Configuration


defaultColor - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Default color code for empty spaces on the board.
domineeringFrame - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Frame for the domineering game mode.
DomineeringGame - Class in Game
The DomineeringGame class represents the main game controller for the Domineering game.
DomineeringGame() - Constructor for class Game.DomineeringGame
Constructs a new instance of the DomineeringGame class.
domineeringGameInstance - Static variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Instance of the domineering game.
domineeringSearch - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Singleton instance of the DomineeringSearch class.
DomineeringSearch - Class in Search
The DomineeringSearch class implements the GameSearch interface for the Domineering game.
DomineeringSearch() - Constructor for class Search.DomineeringSearch
Private constructor for Singleton pattern.
domineeringSearchInstance - Static variable in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Singleton instance


equals(Object) - Method in class Helper.Position
event - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Event associated with the game (e.g., a button click).
Event - Class in UI
The Event class implements the ActionListener interface and handles button click events for a user interface associated with the "Domineering" game.
Event() - Constructor for class UI.Event


file - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
StringTableFile instance for file-related operations.
fileColors - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
File path for storing color configurations.
fileConfiguration - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
File path for storing game configurations.
fileSauvgarde - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
File path for saving game states.
finalizeMainFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Finalizes the main frame by nullifying its components.
finalizeOneToOneFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Finalizes the one-to-one game frame by nullifying its components.
finalizeSauvgardedFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Finalizes the frame for viewing saved games by setting all relevant components to null, clearing references, and preparing for the next frame or action.
finalizeSettingFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Finalizes the setting frame by nullifying its components.
formattedDateTime - Variable in class Helper.Sauvgard
The formatted date and time when the state was saved.
Frame - Class in UI
A custom JPanel that represents a frame with additional features for setting bounds and background color.
Frame(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class UI.Frame
Constructs a Frame with specified properties.


Game - package Game
GameSearch - Interface in Search
Interface for defining game search functionality.
generateBoard(String[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class Helper.Board
Generates a new game board based on the last board state, move coordinates, and player.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class UI.Button
Gets the background color of the Button.
getBackgroundColors() - Method in class Helper.Sauvgard
Gets the background colors of the saved state.
getBoard() - Method in class Helper.Board
Gets the current game board.
getFormattedDateTime() - Method in class Helper.Sauvgard
Gets the formatted date and time when the state was saved.
getInstance() - Static method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Gets the singleton instance of the DomineeringGame class.
getInstance() - Static method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Retrieves a singleton instance of the StringTableFile class.
getInstance() - Static method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get the instance of DomineeringSearch using the Singleton pattern.
getInstance(int, int, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class UI.Window
Get or create the singleton instance of the Window.
getMachine() - Method in class Helper.Sauvgard
Gets the identifier of the machine associated with the saved state.
getNextPlayer() - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get the next player to make a move.
getNextPlayer() - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get the next player to make a move.
getNumberOfPosibleMove(byte) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get the number of possible moves for the specified player.
getNumberOfPosibleMove(byte) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get the number of possible moves for the specified player.
getNumbreOfMoveByPlayer(byte) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get the number of moves made by the specified player.
getNumbreOfMoveByPlayer(byte) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get the number of moves made by the specified player.
getPlayer() - Method in class Helper.Move
Gets the player making the move.
getPosition1() - Method in class Helper.Move
Gets the first position of the move.
getPosotion2() - Method in class Helper.Move
Gets the second position of the move.
getPossibleMove(byte, Button[][], String) - Method in class Helper.Position
Gets a list of valid positions representing possible moves for the specified player at the current position on a game board.
getTitle() - Method in class Helper.Sauvgard
Gets the title of the saved state.
getValideStates(byte) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get a list of valid game states for the specified player.
getValideStates(byte) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get a list of valid game states for the specified player.
getValidMoves(String[][], byte) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get a list of valid moves for the specified player based on the current state.
getValidMoves(String[][], byte) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get a list of valid moves for the specified player based on the current state.
getValidMovesi(byte) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get a list of valid moves for the specified player.
getValidMovesi(byte) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get a list of valid moves for the specified player.
getX() - Method in class Helper.Position
Gets the X coordinate of the position.
getY() - Method in class Helper.Position
Gets the Y coordinate of the position.
goToMainFrameButton - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for returning to the main menu.


hashCode() - Method in class Helper.Position
hasPosition(Position) - Method in class Helper.Move
Checks if the move has a specific position.
helpBtn - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Button to trigger the help functionality.
Helper - package Helper
helpMove - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Move for help functionality.
helpPlayer() - Static method in class Helper.Configuration
Provides help to the player based on the current game state.
helpPlayer1 - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Number of help moves available for player 1.
helpPlayer2 - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Number of help moves available for player 2.
heuristic(int[]) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Calculate the heuristic value for a move.
heuristic(int[]) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Calculate the heuristic value for a move.


initializeHelpPlayerParameters() - Static method in class Helper.Configuration
Initializes the parameters for help functionality.
inputAppBackgroundColor - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for inputting the background color of the application.
inputBoardColor - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for inputting the color of the game board.
inputColumn - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for inputting the number of columns in the game board.
inputIntermediateColor - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for inputting the intermediate color.
inputPlayer1Color - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for inputting the color of Player 1.
inputPlayer2Color - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for inputting the color of Player 2.
inputRow - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for inputting the number of rows in the game board.
inputTitle - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Text field for user input (e.g., entering a game title).
instance - Static variable in class Helper.StringTableFile
instance - Static variable in class UI.Window
intermediateColor - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Color code for intermediate state during help moves.
intermediatePosition - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Position for intermediate state during help moves.
isColor(String) - Static method in class Helper.Configuration
isIn(List<Position>) - Method in class Helper.Position
Checks if the current position is present in the given list of positions.
isValid() - Method in class Helper.Position
Checks if the current position is valid on the game board.


Label - Class in UI
A custom JLabel with additional features for setting text, tooltip, icon, enabled state, color, background color, and font.
Label(int, int, int, int, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class UI.Label
Constructs a Label with specified properties.
labelAppBackgroundColor - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to the background color of the application.
labelBoardColor - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to the color of the game board.
labelColumn - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to the number of columns in the game board.
labelInputSauvgarde - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to saved games.
labelIntermediateColor - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to the intermediate color.
labelMessage - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Label for displaying messages.
labelPlayer1Color - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to the color of Player 1.
labelPlayer2Color - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to the color of Player 2.
labelRow - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Label for input related to the number of rows in the game board.
listOfValidPosition - Variable in class UI.Event
loadBackgroundColorFromFile() - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Loads background colors from the specified file and updates the UI buttons accordingly.
loadConfigurations() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Loads configuration settings from a file and updates the Configuration class accordingly.
loadConfigurations() - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Loads configurations (row, column, colors) from the specified file.


machine - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Machine player identifier.
machine - Variable in class Helper.Sauvgard
The identifier of the machine associated with the saved state.
machineColor - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Color code for machine-controlled pieces.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Main
Main - Class in <Unnamed>
Main() - Constructor for class Main
mainBgColor - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Main background color code.
mainFrame - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Main frame of the game.
makeGameFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Creates and initializes the game frame with buttons and UI elements.
makeHelpMove(int, int, byte) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Make a helper move on the game board.
makeHelpMove(int, int, byte) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Make a helper move on the game board.
makeMainFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Creates and initializes the main frame with buttons for different game options.
makeMove(int, int, byte) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Make a move on the game board.
makeMove(int, int, byte) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Make a move on the game board.
makeMove(Button) - Method in class UI.Event
Makes a move in the game based on the button clicked.
makeSauvgardedFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Creates and initializes the frame for viewing saved games.
makeSauvgardedTable() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Creates and initializes a table within the SauvgardedFrame to display saved game information.
makeSauvgardeOneGameFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Creates and initializes a frame for saving a one-to-one game.
makeSettingFrame() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Creates and initializes a settings frame for configuring game parameters.
maxValue(String[][], int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get the maximum value for a state in a minimax search.
maxValue(String[][], int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get the maximum value for a state in a minimax search.
minmax(String[][], int, boolean, int[], int[]) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Perform a minimax search on the game state.
minmax(String[][], int, boolean, int[], int[]) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Perform a minimax search on the game state.
minValue(String[][], int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Get the minimum value for a state in a minimax search.
minValue(String[][], int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Get the minimum value for a state in a minimax search.
move - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Move identifier.
Move - Class in Helper
Move class represents a move in the Domineering game, consisting of two positions and the player making the move.
Move(Position, Position, byte) - Constructor for class Helper.Move
Constructs a Move object with the specified positions and player.


oneToOneGameFrame - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Frame for one-to-one game mode.


player - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Current player (1 or 2).
player - Variable in class Helper.Move
The player making the move (1 or 2).
player1Color - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Color code for player 1's pieces.
player2Color - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Color code for player 2's pieces.
playerWin() - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Check if a player has won the game.
playerWin() - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Check if a player has won the game.
playHelpMove(int, int) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Play a move on the game board for a helper move.
playHelpMove(int, int) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Play a move on the game board for a helper move.
playMove(int, int) - Method in class Search.DomineeringSearch
Play a move on the game board.
playMove(int, int) - Method in interface Search.GameSearch
Play a move on the game board.
Position - Class in Helper
The Position class represents a position on a game board with X and Y coordinates.
Position(int, int) - Constructor for class Helper.Position
Constructs a new Position object with the specified X and Y coordinates.
position1 - Variable in class Helper.Move
The first position of the move.
posotion2 - Variable in class Helper.Move
The second position of the move.


refuseSauvgarde - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for refusing a saved game.
resize(int, int, int, int) - Method in class UI.Button
Resizes the Button to the specified dimensions.
resize(int, int, int, int) - Method in class UI.Label
Resizes the Label to the specified dimensions.
resize(int, int, int, int) - Method in class UI.TextField
Resizes the TextField to the specified dimensions.
restart() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Restarts the Domineering game by resetting the game board, move counters, and message label.
restartGameButton - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for restarting the game.
row - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Number of rows in the game board.


safeMovesCoef - Static variable in class Helper.Configuration
Coefficient for safe moves.
Sauvgard - Class in Helper
The Sauvgard class represents a saved state in the game, including background colors, title, formatted date and time, and the identifier of the machine.
Sauvgard(String[][], String, String, byte) - Constructor for class Helper.Sauvgard
Constructs a Sauvgard object with the specified background colors, title, formatted date and time, and machine identifier.
sauvgardebtn - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for saving the current game state.
SauvgardedFrame - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Frame for displaying a saved game.
SauvgardedTableFrame - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Frame for displaying a saved game table.
sauvgardeFrame - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Frame for displaying saved games.
saveBackgroundColorToFile() - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Saves the background colors to the specified file.
saveConfigurations(short, short, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Saves the configurations (row, column, colors) to the specified file.
saveSauvgardeToFile(String, int, int, int) - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Saves a saved state to the specified file, including background colors, title, date and time, and machine identifier.
saveSetting - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for saving the updated game settings.
saveSettings() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Saves the updated game settings entered by the user.
saveVoidColors() - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Saves a default set of background colors to the specified file.
Search - package Search
setAttribute() - Method in class Game.DomineeringGame
Sets up the initial configurations for the game, including the game window, buttons, and other components.
setAttribute(int, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class UI.Window
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class UI.Button
Sets the background color of the Button.
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class UI.Label
Sets the background color of the Label.
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class UI.TextField
Sets the background color of the TextField.
setBackgroundColors() - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Sets the background colors based on the provided UI buttons.
setBoard(String[][]) - Method in class Helper.Board
Sets the game board with the given 2D array.
setBoardFromButtons() - Method in class Helper.Board
Sets the game board from the Configuration buttons.
setColor(String) - Method in class UI.Button
Sets the text color of the Button.
setColor(String) - Method in class UI.Label
Sets the text color of the Label.
setColor(String) - Method in class UI.TextField
Sets the text color of the TextField.
setFont(int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class UI.Button
Sets the font properties for the Button.
setFont(int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class UI.Label
Sets the font properties for the Label.
setFont(int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class UI.TextField
Sets the font properties for the TextField.
setIcon(String) - Method in class UI.Label
Sets the icon for the Label if the icon file exists.
setIconButton(String) - Method in class UI.Button
Sets the icon for the Button if the icon file exists.
setLabelMessage(Label) - Method in class UI.Event
Sets the label message for the UI.
setMove(byte) - Static method in class Helper.Configuration
Sets the current move.
settingFrame - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Frame for game settings.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class UI.Button
Sets the tooltip for the Button if the tooltip is not empty.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class UI.Label
Sets the tooltip for the Label if the tooltip is not empty.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class UI.TextField
Sets the tooltip for the TextField if the tooltip is not empty.
Show() - Method in class UI.Frame
Shows the Frame, making it visible on the screen.
Show() - Method in class UI.Window
Shows the Window, making it visible on the screen.
StringTableFile - Class in Helper
The StringTableFile class represents a utility class for managing string table data related to the background colors of UI buttons.
StringTableFile() - Constructor for class Helper.StringTableFile
Private constructor to create a new instance of StringTableFile.
submitSauvgarde - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Button for submitting a saved game.


testHelpButton() - Static method in class Helper.Configuration
Tests if the help button should be enabled based on the current game state.
TextField - Class in UI
A custom JTextField with additional features for setting text, tooltip, color, background color, font, and editability.
TextField(int, int, int, int, String, String, String, String, int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class UI.TextField
Constructs a TextField with specified properties.
title - Variable in class Helper.Sauvgard
The title of the saved state.
toEnableBtns(boolean) - Method in class UI.Event
Enables or disables all buttons in the UI.
toEnabled(boolean) - Method in class UI.Button
Sets whether the Button is enabled or disabled.
toEnabled(boolean) - Method in class UI.Label
Sets whether the Label is enabled or disabled.
toString() - Method in class Helper.Position
Returns a string representation of the Position object.
toString() - Method in class Helper.Sauvgard
Returns a string representation of the Sauvgard object.
toVisible(boolean) - Method in class UI.Label


UI - package UI
uploadSauvgardeFromFile() - Method in class Helper.StringTableFile
Uploads saved states from the specified file and returns a list of Sauvgard objects.


window - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Represents the main window of the game.
Window - Class in UI
A custom JFrame for creating a window with additional features, such as setting the title, icon, size, and layout.
Window(int, int, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class UI.Window
Private constructor to create a Window with specified properties.
windowHeight - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Height of the game window.
windowWidth - Variable in class Game.DomineeringGame
Width of the game window.


X - Variable in class Helper.Position


Y - Variable in class Helper.Position
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