Package Search

Class DomineeringSearch

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DomineeringSearch
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements GameSearch
    The DomineeringSearch class implements the GameSearch interface for the Domineering game. It utilizes the Singleton pattern to ensure a single instance of the class.
    Laamiri Ouail & Hajar Sadik
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      private DomineeringSearch()
      Private constructor for Singleton pattern.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static DomineeringSearch getInstance()
      Get the instance of DomineeringSearch using the Singleton pattern.
      byte getNextPlayer()
      Get the next player to make a move.
      byte getNumberOfPosibleMove​(byte player)
      Get the number of possible moves for the specified player.
      byte getNumbreOfMoveByPlayer​(byte player)
      Get the number of moves made by the specified player.
      java.util.List<Board> getValideStates​(byte player)
      Get a list of valid game states for the specified player.
      java.util.List<int[]> getValidMoves​(java.lang.String[][] state, byte player)
      Get a list of valid moves for the specified player based on the current state.
      java.util.List<Move> getValidMovesi​(byte player)
      Get a list of valid moves for the specified player.
      int heuristic​(int[] move)
      Calculate the heuristic value for a move.
      void makeHelpMove​(int x, int y, byte player)
      Make a helper move on the game board.
      void makeMove​(int x, int y, byte player)
      Make a move on the game board.
      int[] maxValue​(java.lang.String[][] state, int depth, int alpha, int beta, int[] move)
      Get the maximum value for a state in a minimax search.
      int[] minmax​(java.lang.String[][] state, int depth, boolean myMove, int[] alpha, int[] beta)
      Perform a minimax search on the game state.
      int[] minValue​(java.lang.String[][] state, int depth, int alpha, int beta, int[] move)
      Get the minimum value for a state in a minimax search.
      byte playerWin()
      Check if a player has won the game.
      boolean playHelpMove​(int x, int y)
      Play a move on the game board for a helper move.
      boolean playMove​(int x, int y)
      Play a move on the game board.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • domineeringSearchInstance

        private static DomineeringSearch domineeringSearchInstance
        Singleton instance
    • Constructor Detail

      • DomineeringSearch

        private DomineeringSearch()
        Private constructor for Singleton pattern.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static DomineeringSearch getInstance()
        Get the instance of DomineeringSearch using the Singleton pattern.
        The DomineeringSearch instance.
      • getNumbreOfMoveByPlayer

        public byte getNumbreOfMoveByPlayer​(byte player)
        Get the number of moves made by the specified player.
        Specified by:
        getNumbreOfMoveByPlayer in interface GameSearch
        player - The player for whom to get the number of moves.
        The number of moves made by the player.
      • getValidMovesi

        public java.util.List<Move> getValidMovesi​(byte player)
        Get a list of valid moves for the specified player.
        Specified by:
        getValidMovesi in interface GameSearch
        player - The player for whom to get valid moves.
        A list of valid moves for the player.
      • getValidMoves

        public java.util.List<int[]> getValidMoves​(java.lang.String[][] state,
                                                   byte player)
        Get a list of valid moves for the specified player based on the current state.
        Specified by:
        getValidMoves in interface GameSearch
        state - The current state of the game.
        player - The player for whom to get valid moves.
        A list of valid moves for the player.
      • getValideStates

        public java.util.List<Board> getValideStates​(byte player)
        Get a list of valid game states for the specified player.
        Specified by:
        getValideStates in interface GameSearch
        player - The player for whom to get valid game states.
        A list of valid game states for the player.
      • getNextPlayer

        public byte getNextPlayer()
        Get the next player to make a move.
        Specified by:
        getNextPlayer in interface GameSearch
        The next player to make a move.
      • getNumberOfPosibleMove

        public byte getNumberOfPosibleMove​(byte player)
        Get the number of possible moves for the specified player.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfPosibleMove in interface GameSearch
        player - The player for whom to get the number of possible moves.
        The number of possible moves for the player.
      • playerWin

        public byte playerWin()
        Check if a player has won the game.
        Specified by:
        playerWin in interface GameSearch
        The winning player or 0 if no player has won.
      • makeMove

        public void makeMove​(int x,
                             int y,
                             byte player)
        Make a move on the game board.
        Specified by:
        makeMove in interface GameSearch
        x - The y-coordinate of the move.
        y - The x-coordinate of the move.
        player - The player making the move.
      • makeHelpMove

        public void makeHelpMove​(int x,
                                 int y,
                                 byte player)
        Make a helper move on the game board.
        Specified by:
        makeHelpMove in interface GameSearch
        x - The x-coordinate of the helper move.
        y - The y-coordinate of the helper move.
        player - The player making the helper move.
      • playHelpMove

        public boolean playHelpMove​(int x,
                                    int y)
        Play a move on the game board for a helper move.
        Specified by:
        playHelpMove in interface GameSearch
        x - The x-coordinate of the helper move.
        y - The y-coordinate of the helper move.
        True if the helper move was played successfully, false otherwise.
      • playMove

        public boolean playMove​(int x,
                                int y)
        Play a move on the game board.
        Specified by:
        playMove in interface GameSearch
        x - The x-coordinate of the move.
        y - The y-coordinate of the move.
        True if the move was played successfully, false otherwise.
      • heuristic

        public int heuristic​(int[] move)
        Calculate the heuristic value for a move.
        Specified by:
        heuristic in interface GameSearch
        move - An array containing the move coordinates and value.
        The heuristic value for the move.
      • maxValue

        public int[] maxValue​(java.lang.String[][] state,
                              int depth,
                              int alpha,
                              int beta,
                              int[] move)
        Get the maximum value for a state in a minimax search.
        Specified by:
        maxValue in interface GameSearch
        state - The current state of the game.
        depth - The depth of the search.
        alpha - The alpha value for pruning.
        beta - The beta value for pruning.
        move - The best move found so far.
        An array containing the best move and its value.
      • minValue

        public int[] minValue​(java.lang.String[][] state,
                              int depth,
                              int alpha,
                              int beta,
                              int[] move)
        Get the minimum value for a state in a minimax search.
        Specified by:
        minValue in interface GameSearch
        state - The current state of the game.
        depth - The depth of the search.
        alpha - The alpha value for pruning.
        beta - The beta value for pruning.
        move - The best move found so far.
        An array containing the best move and its value.
      • minmax

        public int[] minmax​(java.lang.String[][] state,
                            int depth,
                            boolean myMove,
                            int[] alpha,
                            int[] beta)
        Perform a minimax search on the game state.
        Specified by:
        minmax in interface GameSearch
        state - The current state of the game.
        depth - The depth of the search.
        myMove - True if it's the current player's move, false otherwise.
        alpha - The alpha value for pruning.
        beta - The beta value for pruning.
        An array containing the best move and its value.