Package Game

Class DomineeringGame

  • public class DomineeringGame
    extends java.lang.Object
    The DomineeringGame class represents the main game controller for the Domineering game. It handles the main game window, settings, saved games, and the game logic. This class uses the Singleton design pattern to ensure only one instance of the game is created.
    Laamiri Ouail & Hajar Sadik
    • Field Detail

      • window

        private Window window
        Represents the main window of the game.
      • mainFrame

        private Frame mainFrame
        Main frame of the game.
      • btnGameWithPerson

        private Button btnGameWithPerson
        Button for starting a game with another person.
      • btnGameWithAgent

        private Button btnGameWithAgent
        Button for starting a game with an agent.
      • btnMainExit

        private Button btnMainExit
        Button for exiting the main menu.
      • btnsauvgardedGamebtn

        private Button btnsauvgardedGamebtn
        Button for loading a saved game.
      • btnSetting

        private Button btnSetting
        Button for accessing game settings.
      • settingFrame

        private Frame settingFrame
        Frame for game settings.
      • oneToOneGameFrame

        private Frame oneToOneGameFrame
        Frame for one-to-one game mode.
      • domineeringFrame

        private Frame domineeringFrame
        Frame for the domineering game mode.
      • goToMainFrameButton

        private Button goToMainFrameButton
        Button for returning to the main menu.
      • restartGameButton

        private Button restartGameButton
        Button for restarting the game.
      • sauvgardebtn

        private Button sauvgardebtn
        Button for saving the current game state.
      • sauvgardeFrame

        private Frame sauvgardeFrame
        Frame for displaying saved games.
      • inputTitle

        private TextField inputTitle
        Text field for user input (e.g., entering a game title).
      • submitSauvgarde

        private Button submitSauvgarde
        Button for submitting a saved game.
      • refuseSauvgarde

        private Button refuseSauvgarde
        Button for refusing a saved game.
      • labelInputSauvgarde

        private Label labelInputSauvgarde
        Label for input related to saved games.
      • SauvgardedFrame

        private Frame SauvgardedFrame
        Frame for displaying a saved game.
      • SauvgardedTableFrame

        private Frame SauvgardedTableFrame
        Frame for displaying a saved game table.
      • labelRow

        private Label labelRow
        Label for input related to the number of rows in the game board.
      • inputRow

        private TextField inputRow
        Text field for inputting the number of rows in the game board.
      • labelColumn

        private Label labelColumn
        Label for input related to the number of columns in the game board.
      • inputColumn

        private TextField inputColumn
        Text field for inputting the number of columns in the game board.
      • labelBoardColor

        private Label labelBoardColor
        Label for input related to the color of the game board.
      • inputBoardColor

        private TextField inputBoardColor
        Text field for inputting the color of the game board.
      • labelPlayer1Color

        private Label labelPlayer1Color
        Label for input related to the color of Player 1.
      • inputPlayer1Color

        private TextField inputPlayer1Color
        Text field for inputting the color of Player 1.
      • labelPlayer2Color

        private Label labelPlayer2Color
        Label for input related to the color of Player 2.
      • inputPlayer2Color

        private TextField inputPlayer2Color
        Text field for inputting the color of Player 2.
      • labelIntermediateColor

        private Label labelIntermediateColor
        Label for input related to the intermediate color.
      • inputIntermediateColor

        private TextField inputIntermediateColor
        Text field for inputting the intermediate color.
      • labelAppBackgroundColor

        private Label labelAppBackgroundColor
        Label for input related to the background color of the application.
      • inputAppBackgroundColor

        private TextField inputAppBackgroundColor
        Text field for inputting the background color of the application.
      • saveSetting

        private Button saveSetting
        Button for saving the updated game settings.
      • windowHeight

        private int windowHeight
        Height of the game window.
      • windowWidth

        private int windowWidth
        Width of the game window.
      • event

        private Event event
        Event associated with the game (e.g., a button click).
      • domineeringGameInstance

        private static DomineeringGame domineeringGameInstance
        Instance of the domineering game.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DomineeringGame

        private DomineeringGame()
        Constructs a new instance of the DomineeringGame class. It initializes the game window, sets up configurations, and loads saved configurations.
    • Method Detail

      • setAttribute

        private void setAttribute()
        Sets up the initial configurations for the game, including the game window, buttons, and other components.
      • getInstance

        public static DomineeringGame getInstance()
        Gets the singleton instance of the DomineeringGame class.
        The singleton instance of the DomineeringGame class.
      • loadConfigurations

        private void loadConfigurations()
        Loads configuration settings from a file and updates the Configuration class accordingly. This method uses the StringTableFile singleton instance to load configuration settings from a file. It retrieves an array of configurations, including row and column size, default colors for players and board, and the background color of the application. If the loaded configurations are valid (contain 7 elements), it updates the Configuration class with the new values. Note: This method is responsible for initializing the Configuration class with settings loaded from a file.
      • makeMainFrame

        private void makeMainFrame()
        Creates and initializes the main frame with buttons for different game options. This method sets up the main frame, including buttons for playing with a friend, playing against the laptop, accessing saved games, going to settings, and exiting the application. It associates action listeners for each button to handle the corresponding functionalities. Note: This method is responsible for creating the initial main frame layout and setting up button functionalities for various game options.
      • makeGameFrame

        private void makeGameFrame()
        Creates and initializes the game frame with buttons and UI elements. This method sets up the game frame, including buttons for gameplay, restart, and saving. It also associates action listeners for various buttons, such as returning to the main frame, saving the game, restarting the game, and accessing the help feature. Note: This method is responsible for creating the initial game frame layout and setting up button functionalities.
      • finalizeMainFrame

        private void finalizeMainFrame()
        Finalizes the main frame by nullifying its components. This method sets all components of the main frame to null, including buttons and other UI elements. It is typically called when transitioning away from the main frame to ensure that resources are released and references are cleared. Note: This method is part of the cleanup process after the main frame is no longer needed.
      • finalizeOneToOneFrame

        private void finalizeOneToOneFrame()
        Finalizes the one-to-one game frame by nullifying its components. This method sets all components of the one-to-one game frame to null, including buttons, labels, and other UI elements. It is typically called when transitioning away from the one-to-one game frame to ensure that resources are released and references are cleared. Note: This method is part of the cleanup process after the one-to-one game frame is no longer needed.
      • finalizeSauvgardedFrame

        private void finalizeSauvgardedFrame()
        Finalizes the frame for viewing saved games by setting all relevant components to null, clearing references, and preparing for the next frame or action. This method sets the `SauvgardedTableFrame`, `SauvgardedFrame`, and `goToMainFrameButton` to null, effectively releasing memory and resources associated with these components. It is typically called when transitioning to another frame or completing the interaction with the saved games frame.
      • restart

        private void restart()
        Restarts the Domineering game by resetting the game board, move counters, and message label. This method iterates through each button in the game board and sets its background color to the default color. Additionally, it enables all buttons and resets the move counter to zero. It hides and clears the message label. Finally, it saves the void colors configuration to the file for future reference. This method is typically called when restarting the game after completion or when needed.
      • makeSauvgardedFrame

        private void makeSauvgardedFrame()
        Creates and initializes the frame for viewing saved games. This method sets up the SauvgardedFrame by adding components such as buttons and tables. It creates a "Return" button to go back to the main frame and invokes the makeSauvgardedTable method to display a table of saved games. The frame is typically used to navigate and interact with saved game data. Note: The method associates an ActionListener with the "Return" button to handle the action of going back to the main frame.
        See Also:
      • makeSauvgardedTable

        private void makeSauvgardedTable()
        Creates and initializes a table within the SauvgardedFrame to display saved game information. This method reads saved game data from a file, populates a table with columns "ID," "Description," and "Date," and associates a custom TableCellRenderer to set font size for better visibility. It also adds a ListSelectionListener to the table for handling row selection events, enabling the user to load a selected saved game. Note: The method dynamically adjusts the table's size based on the number of saved games and their information.
        See Also:
      • makeSauvgardeOneGameFrame

        private void makeSauvgardeOneGameFrame()
        Creates and initializes a frame for saving a one-to-one game. This method checks the existence of the one-to-one game frame and the absence of the sauvgarde frame. If conditions are met, it closes the one-to-one game frame, sets up the sauvgarde frame with input fields for a description and buttons for submitting or refusing the sauvgarde. It also handles the actions of the submit and refuse buttons, allowing the user to save or cancel the sauvgarde process. Note: The sauvgarde frame is designed to capture additional information such as a description before saving.
        See Also:
      • makeSettingFrame

        private void makeSettingFrame()
        Creates and initializes a settings frame for configuring game parameters. This method sets up a frame with input fields for configuring various game settings, such as the number of rows and columns, board and player colors, and background colors. It also includes buttons for returning to the main frame, submitting changes, and associated action listeners to handle these interactions. The entered settings are saved upon submission. Note: The method utilizes the window dimensions and current configuration settings to adjust the layout dynamically based on the number of columns.
        See Also:
        saveSettings(), finalizeSettingFrame(), makeMainFrame()
      • saveSettings

        private void saveSettings()
        Saves the updated game settings entered by the user. This method retrieves values from input fields representing various game settings, validates them, and updates the Configuration class with the new values. The settings include the number of rows and columns, board and player colors, and background colors. After updating the configurations, the method saves them to a configuration file. If any input value is not in the correct format or range, an error message is displayed. Note: The method performs input validation and updates the Configuration class accordingly.
        See Also:
      • finalizeSettingFrame

        private void finalizeSettingFrame()
        Finalizes the setting frame by nullifying its components. This method sets all components of the setting frame to null, including buttons, labels, and input fields. It is typically called when transitioning away from the setting frame to ensure that resources are released and references are cleared. Note: This method is part of the cleanup process after the setting frame is no longer needed.