Package Helper

Class Configuration

  • public abstract class Configuration
    extends java.lang.Object
    Configuration class holds static variables and methods used throughout the Domineering game.
    Laamiri Ouail & Hajar Sadik
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int asymMove
      Asymmetrical move identifier.
      static int asymPercentCeil
      Upper bound percentage for asymmetrical moves.
      static int asymPercentFloor
      Lower bound percentage for asymmetrical moves.
      static Button[][] buttons
      2D array representing the game buttons.
      static short column
      Number of columns in the game board.
      static java.lang.String defaultColor
      Default color code for empty spaces on the board.
      static DomineeringSearch domineeringSearch
      Singleton instance of the DomineeringSearch class.
      static StringTableFile file
      StringTableFile instance for file-related operations.
      static java.lang.String fileColors
      File path for storing color configurations.
      static java.lang.String fileConfiguration
      File path for storing game configurations.
      static java.lang.String fileSauvgarde
      File path for saving game states.
      static Button helpBtn
      Button to trigger the help functionality.
      static Move helpMove
      Move for help functionality.
      static short helpPlayer1
      Number of help moves available for player 1.
      static short helpPlayer2
      Number of help moves available for player 2.
      static java.lang.String intermediateColor
      Color code for intermediate state during help moves.
      static Position intermediatePosition
      Position for intermediate state during help moves.
      static Label labelMessage
      Label for displaying messages.
      static byte machine
      Machine player identifier.
      static java.lang.String machineColor
      Color code for machine-controlled pieces.
      static java.lang.String mainBgColor
      Main background color code.
      static byte move
      Move identifier.
      static byte player
      Current player (1 or 2).
      static java.lang.String player1Color
      Color code for player 1's pieces.
      static java.lang.String player2Color
      Color code for player 2's pieces.
      static short row
      Number of rows in the game board.
      static int safeMovesCoef
      Coefficient for safe moves.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void helpPlayer()
      Provides help to the player based on the current game state.
      static void initializeHelpPlayerParameters()
      Initializes the parameters for help functionality.
      static boolean isColor​(java.lang.String hexaColor)  
      static void setMove​(byte move)
      Sets the current move.
      static void testHelpButton()
      Tests if the help button should be enabled based on the current game state.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • helpPlayer1

        public static short helpPlayer1
        Number of help moves available for player 1.
      • helpPlayer2

        public static short helpPlayer2
        Number of help moves available for player 2.
      • helpBtn

        public static Button helpBtn
        Button to trigger the help functionality.
      • row

        public static short row
        Number of rows in the game board.
      • column

        public static short column
        Number of columns in the game board.
      • player1Color

        public static java.lang.String player1Color
        Color code for player 1's pieces.
      • player2Color

        public static java.lang.String player2Color
        Color code for player 2's pieces.
      • intermediateColor

        public static java.lang.String intermediateColor
        Color code for intermediate state during help moves.
      • defaultColor

        public static java.lang.String defaultColor
        Default color code for empty spaces on the board.
      • mainBgColor

        public static java.lang.String mainBgColor
        Main background color code.
      • fileColors

        public static java.lang.String fileColors
        File path for storing color configurations.
      • fileSauvgarde

        public static java.lang.String fileSauvgarde
        File path for saving game states.
      • fileConfiguration

        public static java.lang.String fileConfiguration
        File path for storing game configurations.
      • machineColor

        public static java.lang.String machineColor
        Color code for machine-controlled pieces.
      • buttons

        public static Button[][] buttons
        2D array representing the game buttons.
      • player

        public static byte player
        Current player (1 or 2).
      • machine

        public static byte machine
        Machine player identifier.
      • move

        public static byte move
        Move identifier.
      • labelMessage

        public static Label labelMessage
        Label for displaying messages.
      • asymPercentFloor

        public static int asymPercentFloor
        Lower bound percentage for asymmetrical moves.
      • asymPercentCeil

        public static int asymPercentCeil
        Upper bound percentage for asymmetrical moves.
      • asymMove

        public static int asymMove
        Asymmetrical move identifier.
      • safeMovesCoef

        public static int safeMovesCoef
        Coefficient for safe moves.
      • intermediatePosition

        public static Position intermediatePosition
        Position for intermediate state during help moves.
      • helpMove

        public static Move helpMove
        Move for help functionality.
      • domineeringSearch

        public static DomineeringSearch domineeringSearch
        Singleton instance of the DomineeringSearch class.
      • file

        public static StringTableFile file
        StringTableFile instance for file-related operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Configuration

        public Configuration()
    • Method Detail

      • setMove

        public static void setMove​(byte move)
        Sets the current move.
        move - The move identifier.
      • helpPlayer

        public static void helpPlayer()
        Provides help to the player based on the current game state.
      • initializeHelpPlayerParameters

        public static void initializeHelpPlayerParameters()
        Initializes the parameters for help functionality.
      • testHelpButton

        public static void testHelpButton()
        Tests if the help button should be enabled based on the current game state.
      • isColor

        public static boolean isColor​(java.lang.String hexaColor)